wow gold


Payment on world of warcraft for various players

Many new world of warcraft palyers want to swtor credits play World Of Warcraft but havent bought the cd yet. They would like to know how much they should pay to play that game? Do they have to pay every month? Or just buy the CD and no need to pay anything else?

First,you need to purchase World of Warcraft Classic, either physically from a store or via the online upgrade, in order to  WOW Goldplay. You might like to note that the purchase of World of Warcraft Classic includes 30 days of game time; while no additional game time is provided when purchasing the expansions The Burning Crusade or Wrath of wow gold the Lich King.But you have 30 days free subscription time.

For  those whose time on World of Warcraft ended,there are subscription options.After initial free one-month (30 day) subscription ends, players of World of Warcraft are able to  buy wow goldcontinue playing under one of three different subscription plans.

 - $14.99 per month for a month-to-month recurring subscription
  - $13.99 per month for a 3-month recurring subscription *
  - $12.99 per month for a 6-month recurring subscription *

Please note that 3-month and 6-month subscriptions must be buy wow gold paid in full at the beginning of the billing cycle, also billing cycle dates may move due to credited time.

Another question players want to buy wow gold know is whether there is a monthly fee to play the game.Yes. After the end of the free month included with World of Warcraft Classic, you need a subscription in order to wow items continue playing the game. There are three subscription options: a month-to-month package at $14.99 per month, a three-month plan at $13.99 per month, and a six-month plan at $12.99 per month.There are multiple methods of payment.Customers can pay their subscription fees using credit cards, PayPal, and pre-paid game cards, which can be purchased in many game and electronics stores.Prepaid Game Cards make great gifts and are an easy way to wow gold create a new subscription or extend an existing one. These cards retail in most game stores for $29.99 and add 60 calendar days of play time to an account.They accept the following major Credit Cards in addition to the other options below.

American Express

Lastly, If you still love in purchasing the game, you can ask your friend to recruit you via the wow gold Recruit-a-Friend program. You'll receive a trial Authentication Key that would provide you with 10 days of free game time and the recruiter would be rewarded 30 days of free game time after you purchase the game and begin yours.


