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My Personal Shaman Build Guides in World of Warcraft Patch 4.3

Are you a shaman in World of Warcraft? I am one of good shaman players. You are so lucky to wow items  read this article, because I will share my own personal experience on how to build shaman in the new patch 4.3.

Enhancement Shaman Build
This create focuses on being a solid leveling spec. With buy wow gold this create you rarely cease for mana or healing and it focuses on a rotation of stormstrike, lava lash and your option of shock spells. Glyph of Lightning safeguard is a should for this create the instant possible, making soloing much simpler and nicer (infinite charges of safeguard along with your Static Shock).

Crits are key to this create with Flurry (shaman talent) and Elemental Devastation. The factors positioned into Ancestral Swiftness or Frozen Power can be transfered to Improved Shields for additional lightning safeguard damage (or should you favor Windfury Weapon to wow gold Frostbrand Weapon) factors may be also moved into Totemic Reach should you intend to be in a location to plop affordable your totems and battle each of the mobs around you more easily. Totems to use for this create while leveling can be Strength of Earth Totem, Flametongue Totem until Searing Flames.

Resto Shaman Build
With the buy wow gold  talent and stat revamp in Cataclysm, we Shaman no extended have limitless mana-pools. It’s time to become more active and smarter about who we heal and how much healing we do. There is no extended an alternative for severe over-healing or simply spamming chain-heal. In fact, Chain Heal is no extended the swtor credits  go-to heal in emergencies or for general healing in raids. It is exactly about biding your time, recovering mana anytime possible, and throwing huge targeted heals for the raid-members who are in the most danger. We also need to recover mana actively instead than waiting for MP5/Spirit regen to save us. We have talents that assist us recover mana when casting damaging spells. Throw lightning bolts when not casting heals to recover mana, a perfect time for this is immediately right after casting Healing Rain.

Elemental Shaman Build
This is your basic PvE leveling and raiding create for Elemental Shaman. There are 5 factors available to WOW Gold  move around as you see fit. It is good to possess the additional passive speed-boost and instant Ghost Wolf from Ancestral Swiftness, as well as the additional broad range from Totemic Reach can extend the lifestyle of a totem drop, and couples nicely with Elemental Reach.

Toontrends gathers data about Shamans from the WoW Armory.Focus on haste, then spellpower, then crit (up to 20%+). Glyphs: Lightning Bolt, Flame Shock, and Totem of Wrath. The wow gold  Lava glyph is most in all probability not worth it. Totem of Wrath is around 80 SP, which benefits all spells, while the Lava glyph only benefits the eight-second cooldown; that is about 300 dps every lava burst and 80sp benefits your lava burst + each of the lightning bolts in  buy wow gold between the cooldown ( that is > 300dps total ( atleast 500dps depending on equipment ).

Can you agree with me? I need your ideas no matter it is approvement or not. If you have better experience, please share it with me. Keep your eyes, I will share you with wow gold  more useful guides in the future, including WOW Gold buying tips, wow gold making guides, wow leveling and of course cheap and safe wow gold.


