wow gold


Two Easy Ways To Make Gold In World Of Warcraft

The following two methods have been used to make thousands of gold. One takes some grinding and time, the other can be done a few minutes every day over the course of weeks. I know these aren't the sexy get rich quick methods that many would like to have in wow gold , but they are easy, legit, and productive. Combine these with dailies and you should never have to worry about gold in WoW, whether you play to raid, PVP, or just to hang out with friends.

1. Get your first aid to the point that you can make heavy nether weave bandages. Then, go to a place where a lot of nether weave drops such as the blood elf terrace above Black Temple. This is especially ideal if you have a paladin as they can AOE a large number of blood elves at the same time. Just watch out for the elites that pat around. Forty nether weave equal 1 stack of heavy nether weave bandages. Since the blood elves drop the cloth almost every time and sometimes drop up to 3 you should acquire quite a bit.

These stacks of heavy nether weave sell to a vendor for 6 gold a pop. The nether weave only goes for 1.5 gold a stack, or 3 usually on the AH. So, you can either pay auction fees and wait, or get 6 gold at a time from a vendor instantly. Plus, you'll get greens, a couple of blues, maybe even a world epic. Finally, you'll get Sunfury signets and arcane tomes. The signets go for about 90 silver a pop on the AH, usually sell them roughly 60 for 50 gold.

Arcane Tomes go for usually 10-15 gold a pop. Overall, you can usually make 100 gold an hour here easy.

2. Get your fishing up to 375. This is a long boring process but if your smart you'll try to catch fish that will sell on the AH, like deviate scale. Once you have 375 fishing you have access to 2 new sources of income. The first is the fishing daily. It's usually pretty quick and you'll make at least 10 gold a pop. You also have a very small chance of getting either an epic BOP ring (22 to all stats) or a 15 stamina BOE unique gem. The other even more profitable avenue for you now is in Nagrand around the elemental plateau.

Both in the water at ground level and the water area where the lvl 72 water elementals are, you will see pools of pure water. You will need at least a 75 fishing lure to fish these, but they give you motes of water. 10 motes of water equal a primal water. Primal waters average a 20 gold auction price on my server. I many times have gotten 2-3 primal waters from 10 minutes of fishing with this method. I just farm the elementals and keep checking back to see if the pools are up.

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