wow gold


10 Ways You Can Earn Gold in World of Warcraft

Gold is very important in World of Warcraft. Without even some silver and copper you can't buy your level up, or take a flight path. This may only seem the half of it, but the higher level you get the more expensive your character will become. Level 40 is a milestone since you can get your first mount, level 60 an epic riding mount, then level 70 a flying mount. It cost money to train for your class and professions, repairing armor, buying food and upgrades. Nearly everything you do in the game cost so many silver or gold. Even putting up an auction cost money. As you quest you will collect some money from mobs and quest givers, but another alternative would be good to make more gold.

I have a story to share because its funny in a way. My first character I ever made was a gnome rogue, I quested and did his professions and had only silver most of the time. I did not make my very first wow gold on this character until level 25. That seems so horrible now, I missed out on fancy upgrades and sometimes didn't have enough to train my skills. Now here is the thing that is weird. Six months later I make a new character, a mage and decide to give her tailoring and enchanting. Well that was fine and well, when I could make small silk packs I decided to sell some on the auction house. Sure enough those sold different weekly. One week it could of been 3 gold, the next 2 sometimes 80 silver. The prices were always changing. My mage is only level 30, she had her first gold at level 14 or so. Now I have a good idea how to make money on her and my rogue. I think I talked about my characters enough now though. My rogue is level 70, I am going to share some of my gold tips with you that I do on him, so I know they work
And now for 10 free tips from me to you for making gold in World of Warcraft.

Tip 1) Use the trade channel for selling and seeing what others want. I don't watch the chatbox often, but checking out the trade channel is worth it, I know sometimes it does get spammed with other junk. But some people will be power leveling a profession lets say. I think the best experience I had with the trade channel was the day someone was looking for loads of mithril, iron and thorium bars and lots of runecloth. I had a bank alt character that had almost everything he needed so we cut a deal and sold it all. In the end it was over 300 gold of goods sold. People often display what they can offer you in trade channel if the auction house isn't an option, or to not pay the auction house fee. Its good to advertise something you are selling with a price if it is in high demand. On my server I had in trade that I was selling Iron bars, whisper with price and only 1 person whispered me. I later came back and had a price up and I had 7 whispers, it was a nice moment. Trade channel is a good way to go if you have loads of something in demand though or rare even, plus again you can avoid the auction house fee. And get your money right away!

Tip 2) Sometimes you see vendors with rare armor or recipes, it will show (1) that is how you know its rare. Normally recipes can be resold on the AH to make a profit, it depends on the recipe though. Do not expect to get rich though, this is just some additional gold that is easy and cheap to do. A good one is the wedding dress and tuxedo suit recipes. Sometimes there also are crafting ones too.

Tip 3) I find this place is a good area to get runecloth, green drops and silver. Tyr's Hand in Eastern Plaguelands does have elites but they drop runecloth nearly every drop and if not 1 then in amounts of 3 and 4, also silver in amounts of 10 - 25 sometimes less. Of course there will be the occasional drop that gives you less though. The greens seem to be at random but those can be vendor trashed sold or disenchanted. There are also some chest spawns too. It is a good idea to be careful though because some of them do heal.

Tip 4) The phrase people have already heard "Buy low, sell high" This is your chance to play the auction house. It takes time though, you need money to start up and well for myself personally I do it two ways. You can sit by the auction house and watch the trade channel. When you see someone saying WTS (want to sell) you can spring into action. First check the item(s) they are selling on the Auction house to see what the current value is. Now whisper the seller and make a deal from there. Its best to pay the least amount possible to the buyer so you can make a sure profit on the auction house.

Tip 5) Crafting professions can make you money but sometimes not until its at a certain point. Tailoring for example on my server all I could sell was Spider Silk Boots and Small Silk Packs so I did. My mage is not high enough to do Neterweave but when she is I am sure most of my profit will come from that. For tailoring though I would say bag selling is the best, and any in demand cloth items. Leather workers have the ability to make some really nice leather goods at higher level and armor kits, those usually sell very well, so it pays to have skinning and leatherworking. Blacksmiths also can make nice items at higher level, in the meantime you can craft sharping stones if they are selling and enchanting rods from time to time and of course any in demand armor. Alchemy will always be good for potions sake. Characters will always need healing potions and at higher level will probably want elixirs. Enchanting is expensive but in the long run its good to have. Disenchanting comes in handy to have stock of items, but also you sell these if you like and make some more money. And of course advertise enchanting in trade for a price. Engineering is fun in my opinion but mostly you make things only engineers can use. However a big advantage is healing and mana potion injectors. These injectors have 20 uses, so the big benefit is that it takes 1 bag slot for use. The issue though is that it's a rare drop from basically anywhere in Outland. You can sometimes find the recipe in the auction house but its very expensive. The other advantage is the Zapthrottle Mote Extractor, combine this with mining and you can farm motes quicker. Motes = primals so that's big money. Nothing wrong with selling a Primal Fire for 25 - 30 gold just for 1. And at higher level a lot of recipes require primals. Last but not least is jewelcrafting. I don't have any experience in this profession as of yet, but I have friends that use it. Jewelcrafters can make necklaces and rings. Also gems for sockets. At higher level you can get armor from quest, dungeons, factions and pvp that have a color socket. Example: Blue Socket. These gems add additional stat points or damage, etc. So Bold Blood Garnet gives you + 6 strength. From what I heard these different gems sell decently, as long as people are upgrading their gear that includes a socket then these gems will be of use. So I covered a lot here but just wanted to break it down.

Tip 6) Gather professions such as skinning, mining and herbalism all can earn money, even fishing can. Some people do not take these professions that match their crafting one, but that is ok. This is where you can help. Skinning covers leatherworking plus is used in other professions recipes. Mining one of the best because it covers jewelcrafting, blacksmithing and engineering. And herbs for the people who don't farm them. The prices are different and sometimes changing, example: on my server thorium sells for more than fel iron but not more than adamantite bars. Either way though these professions will always be needed since they are probably higher demand than crafting, that's how it is on my server anyways.

Tip 7) If you have the bag space keep all the items you get during questing, even though greys are crappy and can't really be used half the time they sometimes sell for so many silver or a gold or two.
Tip 8) Sell yourself, ok not in a bad way. But if a lowbie wants a run and is paying a large amount of gold you should take it, if the time is there for you too and if you know you can handle the instance. Low level instances are quick and most of the time can be done just with a 70 soloing. You could do this or don't forget to sell another service. That service being your crafting profession.

Tip 9) You can also solo instances just along to get silver, some green items and cloth usually. The green items can be sold on the auction house or disenchanted. I took my level 70 though a instance every night for my mage and stocked up then sold the low enchanting stuff she didn't need. It was nice money, she went from 4 gold to 72 in just two days or so.

Tip 10) Take some time and farm in areas where recipes are known to fall or large amounts of cloth. Once you hit Outlands and start questing its pretty easy to see where you should go for gold and where you shouldn't. Some mobs drop motes some do not. Humanoids and undead most of the time drop cloth. You can even kill animals and sell the meat because Outland cooking is important if you want stat/damage food or just your own food. There also is larger amounts of silver dropped, some rep can be gained depending on area and of course greens and recipes.

Again it depends on your server, but watch your trade channel and auction house to see what is in demand and sell it if you can. And of course the more farming the better. Since some epics and recipes have a low drop rate its good to farm for a long time because it just may fall. Make sure though you have time to do everything you want on your character though. Another note if you are level 70 do your dailies, doing easy repeatable quest makes over 100 extra wow gold a day if you do them. This stuff works for me and close friends though so try it and see what you think.

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