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Have You Known These Things about Cataclysm

Tell us a little about the process of creating the cinematic.
I would love to get full WOW Gold credit for our wicked cool animatic, but really 99% of the visuals are from existing WoW cinematics and other online videos from other gamers. I simply collected as many clips that I could and rearranged them in a way that made sense for our story, and inserted a few clips of my own where needed and so that our characters would be featured in it.

The tricky part in creating the cinematic is that other video clips I get all have sound, music or voiceovers already in them. I collected dozens of clips from dozens of videos and removed the sound on all ofbuy wow gold them. Then I did my own sound design on our cinematic adding in sound effects and music. I had a friend/colleague of mine do the voiceover because he does that professionally and has a great deep voice for something epic and dramatic like our cinematic was intended to be.

All of the sound and clips were edited in Final Cut Pro and output for the web. I'm working on taking my own clips from the game and our guild, and once I have a lot to choose from, I will begin work on some compilation videos to add to our guild YouTube channel.

Let's hop away from the game for a moment and talk a little bit about your board game and what you're working on currently.
I love my job. I do two things, really. Filmmaking and game invention. Our first board game, Triviathon, is available in some stores now and growing in popularity. GAMES magazine named it the wow gold #1 new party game in the U.S. in 2010, and we're a two-time Creative Child magazine Game of the Year winner. Triviathon was licensed to United States Playing Card recently, and they have plans to grow distribution over the next couple years.

In addition, we have several new games in wow gold development, and our second game should be available in stores this year if all goes well. On the filmmaking end, we're interested in breaking into feature films, but make a living in advertising. We specialize in funny commercials, and our most recognized ad is our Free Doritos spot that won the 2009 Doritos Crash the Super Bowl contest, aired during the game, and was ultimately named the #1 Super Bowl commercial of 2009 -- a historic feat, because nobody has been able to beat Budweiser for that honor in ten years. That commercial earned us a lot of  wow goldpublicity, and we even appeared as guests on both The Today Show and the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, not to mention winning us $1 million in the Doritos contest.

Whew! Is there any cross-pollination of ideas between WoW and your various projects? Can you point to any seeds of ideas that have sprung from something in game?
Since releasing Triviathon in 2009, we have invented a half-dozen other games that are in various stages of  buy wow golddevelopment and until product launch are also kept secret under confidentiality agreements. One project in particular can be linked to my passion with the fantasy genre and World of Warcraft. We are working on a trading card game with dice -- and while it draws some comparisons to WoW and other trading cards in that it is a trading card game of the fantasy genre, it is also very unique in format, play, and more.

What's on the front burner right now on buy wow goldyour desk? And in game?
Well, a handful of things. Our trading card game along with three other games are in development and keep us busy. On the filmmaking side, we're still doing funny commercials, and we've written a feature film script and are teaming up with two producers in Los Angeles to raise financing for our first movie, so we're on the edge of our seat to wow itemsget that green-lit. Despite our fame in the world of comedy, our feature that we wrote is a very interesting psychological thriller. We're getting close, and it's an exciting time in our careers.

With everything we have going on, it's great toswtor credits have a couple hours each night to relax, wind down, and play World of Warcraft as a creative outlet for my brain to enjoy while it takes a break from all the heavy thinking I do in real life. Do you want to know more about, just contact us at any time! Thank you!


