wow gold


World of Warcraft - How To Use Fishing To Reel in Gold

One of the most overlooked ways to earn gold in World of Warcraft
is fishing. Honestly most players wow gold ( in game look at it as a waste of time,
but it can earn you a tidy bit of gold if you put your mind to it.
Unlike other secondary and gathering skills, low level fishing will not
earn heaps of gold. However once you reach higher levels in the skill
you can depend on it to bring in a steady stream of cash.

Fish skill works differently than other trade skills. When mining or
herbing level ups are determined by the difficulty of the item you are
trying to gather. Fishing skill ups are determined by the number of
successful casts.

As I said above you will not earn mounds of gold when fishing at low
level, but it will supply you with the materials to level up your cooking
skill. The real key to making gold with fishing is cooking the fish that
you catch and selling the product at the auction house.

Fishing is used by Alchemists and to be honest most of them are too
lazy to go out and fish for themselves. Alchemists need Deviate Fish,
Firefin Snapper, Oily Blackmouth, Stonescale Eel, and other fish to
create some of their elixirs. Take a look at alchemy recipes that require
fish then go out and get them.

Your real bread and butter when it comes to making gold with fishing
is cooking your catch and selling it. There are "Buff" foods in all level
ranges and these sell very well at the auction house.
Yep fishing is a highly overlooked skill in World of Warcraft. The real
secret to making money in the real world and World of Warcraft alike
is creating multiple streams of income. Use fishing as one of those
streams and you will be able to keep a steady flow of gold going into
your bank account.

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