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Wow Dungeon Boss Series: The Foreman

This time our Wow series will be covering the first boss in the level 85 heroic dungeon "Deadmines." I will be going over the boss fight as well as my personal tips
Boss 1#: The Foreman
Name: Glubtok
Health: 4149K
Mana: 9310
Move List:
Phase one:
Fists of Flame - Glubtok sets his fists afire, causing melee strikes to deal additional Fire damage and sometimes knock back nearby enemies. 2 sec cast. 10 sec duration
Fists of Frost - Glubtok coats wow gold his fists with Frost, causing melee strikes to deal additional Frost damage and sometimes slow nearby enemies. 2 sec cast. 10 sec duration
Phase two:
Greater Mass Teleport -Teleports the entire party within range of Glubtok. Cast at the beginning of the phase.
Deep Freeze - Freezes nearby enemies in a block of solid ice. Cast after the mass teleport, giving him enough time to cast...
Arcane Power - Glubtok is filled with Arcane Powers, launching fire and frost spells throughout the room. Glubtok hovers in the center room
Fire Blossom - A fiery blossom deals Fire damage to an area and knocks enemies up a short distance. Instant
Frost Blossom - An icy blossom deals Frost damage to an area and slows enemy attacks and movement speed.
Phase one:
Glubtok will alternate Fists of Frost and Fists of Fire. Fists of Frost will slow the movement and attack speed of the tank (and nearby players) and Fists of Fire will cause his melee attacks to deal AoE fire damage and have a small knockback. Glubtok will blink between fist cycles.
Tank him where he stands with his back to the team. Try to interrupt his fist spells, although I am uncertain if this really works. Spread out to avoid splash damage.
Phase two:
Once Glubtok reaches half health, he will deep freeze the entire party and run to the center. He will then gain Arcane Power, causing him to float above the ground (still attackable by melee) and channel a spell causing him to shoot fire and frost at random locations, visibly marked. In this phase, the party needs to DPS him down while avoiding his attacks. He no longer melees and only uses the fire and frost abilities.
It is advisable to mark the healer and all move to his location when the phase starts to ensure no-one is trapped on the wrong side of the wall of fire.
You will need to keep the adds under control using AOE abilities, instant casts being preferred as they allow you to remain mobile. Try to overlap you AOE onto the boss, and keep as much pressure and DPS on him as you can or you will be overwhelmed. If you have a priest in the group advise the use of holy nova.
Personally as a tank, I like to keep him in the center of the room with the add spawns within range of vision so I can pick them up quickly.
Well, there you have it. the first in a long series of boss explanations and tactics, hope you enjoyed the article as much as I enjoyed engaging the boss!

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