wow gold


World of Warcraft - Your Ogri'la Daily Quests Guide

You've been following Mandorall's excellent advice to make some quick Wow gold, when you noticed in your Quest Log that it says "2/10 daily quests." Surely, you tell yourself, that must mean there are other of these so-called daily quests out there, and I could make even more easy gold! Your next thought is obviously "Come on, Mandorall!" Why didn't you mention buy wow gold ( this before? Well, I'm here to rectify this monstrous omission on the part of our dust-covered and moth-eaten Paladin friend.
In the Western Blade Edge's Mountains is an area only reachable by flying mount. This area, directly west of Sylvanaar, is The Vortex Pinnacle, home to the mythical Ogri'la Ogres (Good Ogres, and quite a bit brighter than the norm, which isn't saying much, I know.) If you're wondering why these Ogres are good, well you're barking up the wrong tree, since I couldn't care less about World of Warcraft lore, there's gold to be made here!
The Ogri'la, like the Skyguards mentioned by Mandorall, are a rich source of daily quests. What's more, they are associated with the Skyguards. A Skyguards Outpost is located barely 100 yards to the north of the Ogri'lla main compound, and it also offers daily quests! But that's not all! The Skyguards offer a direct flight from their Blade's Edge Mountains Outpost to the Blackwind Landing base in Skettis absolutely FREE!! (Honored reputation with Skyguards required. Other restrictions may apply. Offer may change at any time)
So, you ask, how can these wonderful daily quests become available to me? Well my friends, I'll tell you, but be warned this is not for the faint of heart! (Due to some persistent cursing trying to find groups, these Quests have been rated TV-14 LVD)
You start by talking to V'eru (57,46), one of the Naaru in Shattrah, who will request that you find and talk to the Ogre Grok (65,68) in the Lower city. Grok will direct you to Mog'dorg the Wizened (55,44) in the Blade's Edge Mountains. Mog'dorg will offer three Quests which can be completed in any order you prefer. All three quests require a 5-man group to complete.
Maggoc's Treasure Chest is the first one I completed, so we might as well start there. Maggoc is one of the sons of Gruul (whoever he his, I don't care), quite ill-tempered (but without laser beams - 10 Free WoW Gold on Gnomeregan Server to whom can find the reference!) and roams around Razor Ridge (63,55). With an average decently clad 5-man group, he should be easy to take down. Now, the important thing is that he doesn't carry the required chest with him, but drops it on the ground to be looted separately. Even more important is that this chest can be looted by anyone, not just the party that takes him down! You may therefore complete this quest without fighting Maggoc at all, just by being at the right place at the right time. Great information for all the freeloaders out there!
The second quest is Grulloc Has Two Skulls. Grulloc, another son of the enigmatic Gruul, is also located in the Blade's Edge Mountains in the Cursed Hollow (59,47) just over the mountains from Razor Ridge and therefore a 2 minute flight from Maggoc. He's also easy to take down with a 5-man group and again drops the skull to be looted separately.
The third quest, Even Gronn Have Standards, requires you to go back to Terrokar. Slaag is located in the Barrier Hills above Shattrah (20,16) and is quite a bit more difficult to kill than his brothers were, so make sure your group's tank/healer combo are good. Also this mob has an AoE attack every few seconds that will damage and push back everyone in a 15 yard radius, so make sure the healer and range DPS are not in range. As with his brother he will drop a separately looted standard that anyone can loot.
So now you need to get back to Mog'dorg in Blade's Edge to return all three quests. You're probably thinking, well that was somewhat time consuming, but not that bad to get 3 new Daily Quests. Unfortunately for you, this was just the beginning!
After all this, Mog'dorg is not finished with you, far from it. Apparently he needs a Grimoire, hence the quest Grim(oire) Business. This one absolutely requires 5 players as you need to reach Vim'gol's Circle (77,30). Each member of the group stands in one of the five circles which starts a light show that summon the required mob. This mob is also quite powerful and should be taken down quickly before he "enrages" and wipes you out. I was lucky and had an epic-clad party (except for me, of course) and we took him down despite the "enrage". Apparently you can run back to the circles to take down his "enrage", but I didn't need to try it so am unsure of the success of this strategy. Once you get the Grimoire in question you need to return to Mog'dorg to get next quest in the chain.
Into The Soulgrinder requires you to activate an altar in the Circle of Blood (60,24) This will cause waves of 70 non elite ghosts to try to destroy it for 2 minutes before Skulloc appears. You should promtply engage all the ghosts as quickly as possible to keep them away from the altar. After 2 minutes Skulloc is summoned and the main fight begins. Skulloc is not easy to kill as he summons some ghosts to his defense, banishes players for 10 seconds and has a DoT he cast around that need to be dispelled rapidly, as it scales up pretty quickly for some 1000s of damage. Upon dying, he drops his soul, which needs to be looted seperatly. Depending where he dies it may be difficult to loot it and you may get quite a few "too far away" messages before you find a spot that will allow you to get it. Just walk around the Soul to find an acceptable spot.
When you return this quest to Mor'dorg, he proudly announces the fact to all players in the zone, "crowning" you King/Queen of the Ogres and directs to speak to Chu'a'lor in Ogri'la (28,57) You are now Neutral with the Ogri'la faction and are almost ready to start the daily quests. The remaining quests are not group quests.
Chu'a'lor needs 5 Apexis shards for The Crystals quest. You can simply get them off any mob in the Vortex Pinnacle or looted off Crystal Shard formations. The formations are not easy to see, so you need to use your mouse to locate them when the cursor changes into the gear icon.
This leads to An Apexis Relic, a very original quest indeed. You need one Apexis shards to power an Apexis Relic. The Relics are found in multiple locations around the Vortex Pinnacle, but I usually use the one just north of Ogri'la and the Skyguard outpost. Make sure to kill off the mobs around your Relic (which is one of the smaller object and not the central Apexis Monument in the middle) as you may get interrupted by an attacking mob during the quest, which would force you to restart the device with yet another shard. The quest is a memory game, where a series of light turn on in a sequence which you must repeat flawlessly or get zapped with 3000+ damage per error. If you do make a mistake and the quest doesn't restart, you need to try to find your place in the sequence or just leave the small platform and restart the device with another shard after waiting 15 seconds. Pen and paper are recommended to complete the quest unless you have a very good memory (sequence goes up to 8+ lights). Please note: sometimes the lights with appear but the sounds doesn't. Make sure to follow the sequence of light regardless of the sounds. When the quest completes, the light show continues but it apparently serves no purpose to continue (wouldn't really know; didn't try it)
This becomes a daily quest after the first time, which means you can actually do it twice the first day. Also note that most daily quests reward you with gold and apexis shards so you won't need to farm them (they stack to 250, and you'll soon have stack of them).
This quest opens up the Our Boy Wants To Be A Skyguard Ranger quest, which leads to the other dailies. Torkus (28,57) in Ogri'la wants a flask of some sort (Who cares, really). You need to get the flask from the Crystalforge (32,40) which requires 10 Apexis shards and return it to Torkus.
When you've returned the flask, Chu'a'lor (28,57) in Ogri'la will give you The Skyguard Outpost quest, which will open up the new Skyguards daillies (go to 27,52). The 2 new dailies are Bombing Runs which requires you to bomb the Fel cannonballs stacks (marked by hunter marks) in the Forge Camps north or south of the Vortex Pinnacle and Wrangle Some Aether Rays!, which requires you to... well, wrangle some aether rays. (You need to complete the Bombing Run before you can get the Wrangling... quest)
The bombing run is exactly like the Skettis one except the cannons actually shoot at you as you fly by, so some weaving and bobbing is required to avoid the flak. The flak causes a DoT which dismounts you, sometime in the middle of multiple mobs, so be warned. Although I should point out this quest is much easier to do with an epic flying mount (Thank you Brute Force Guild Bank and our Generous and Glorious Leader!) To wrangle the Aether Rays just bring them down to under 40% health and activate your wrangling rope. They will be thethered to you blocking most of your vision, but this quest is pretty quick to do, just watch out for the buy wow gold ( wandering mobs. The Aether Rays are neutral mobs found around Ogri'la
Other dailies will be added as your reputation with Ogri'la and the Skyguards increases.
Quests and rewards:
Mog'dorg the Wizened: 44s
Grulloc Has Two Skulls: 8g 80s
Maggoc's Treasure Chest: 8g 80s
Even Gronn Have Standards: 8g 80s
Grim(oire) Business: 8g 80s
Into The Soulgrinder: 13g 20s
Ogre Heaven: +25 rep Ogri'la
The Crystals: +250 rep Ogri'la
An Apexis Relic: +250 rep Ogri'la and Skyguards
Our Boy Wants To Be A Skyguard Ranger: +250 rep Ogri'la and 11g 99s
The Skyguard Outpost: 44s
Dailies Rewards:
Bombing Run: 11g 99s, 15 Apexis Shards and 500 rep with Ogri'la and Skyguards
Wrangle Some Aether Rays!: 11g 99s, 15 Apexis Shards and 350 rep with Ogri'la and Skyguards
The Relic's Emanation: 9g 10s, 15 Apexis Shards and 350 rep with Ogri'la
These 3 dailies take about 20 minutes to complete. Once these are done you can catch a ride directly to Blackwind Landing (or vice versa) to complete the 2 Skettis dailies (Honored with Skyguards required). The Ogri'la Quartemaster is Jho'nass (28,58), and he offers suitable rewards.

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Top 3 Reasons to Buy World of Warcraft Gold for Sale

As one of the most popular video games, World of Warcraft, also known as WoW, makes millions of video game lovers crazy. It's not strange that many people around always say their friends have been addicted in it because these game players keep on playing wow gold ( it on a daily basis. They scarified the time they should spend on study, meeting friends and etc and enjoy their life in the virtual gaming world. Yes, it's true this game is really fantastic, but if we look at this video game itself, we have to admit that it's very difficult to play, that's maybe another reason why so many people keep on playing it, because these individuals want to conquer it every time they are frustrated in this virtual gaming world.

Whenever the WoW players are frustrated when they are defeating enemies or overcoming multiple challenges, they have to seek for assistance. When this moment comes, they usually buy proper weapons so that they could keep leveling up their characters but not fall to defeat. So numerous individual players end up buying world of warcraft gold.

Buying world of warcraft gold has many benefits, especially when the game payers are power leveling their gaming their characters. To make their characters as powerful as they could be, buying world of warcraft gold for sale to purchase the weapons they need in the game is always the right methods they choose. And also this is a great feeling for many world of warcraft players and world of warcraft gold has helped many players eliminate the problem when they spend a lot of time trying to pass a certain point.

Another reason to buy world of warcraft gold is game players could finish the buying process just in a few minutes online. It's very simple, make a search "world of warcraft gold", review the websites who offer wow gold, compare the price and then put it into the shopping cart and in several minutes the world of warcraft will be delivered to you. and then you could play world of warcraft with extra wow gold and advanced weapons right away.

The third reason to buy wow gold is the price for world of warcraft gold is low. Compared to the time you spend in the game to make your characters step into a higher level, the money you spend on buying wow gold is deserved. And furthermore, the price of wow gold ( is reasonable because it usually depend on where it is being purchased or collected from. You could image what a gamer will feel when they overcome the challenges immediately after they spend a little money on world of warcraft gold.

And I believe, except these reasons mentioned above, there are many other reasons and benefits when it comes to buying wow gold because the gaming experience is different for each individual.

write by Charles Taylor


Online Game Insight - World of Warcraft

Statistics have shown that in August of 2005 there were over 4 million players online, playing WOW. There is no doubt that this is the-most popular Online-RPG in the world. More than 1 million of these players are based in the United States of America and more than 1.5 million are wow gold based in China. The amount of estimated players includes those players that are under free-promotional subscriptions, including canceled or expired subscriptions. Blizzard has also stated that the minimum amount of players online at a time is around 500,000. Due to the high sales that WOW has received, it was described as been-a "runaway success". The popularity is just overwhelming, and compared to another online game "The Matrix" doesn't come anywhere close and they are blamed for their flat sales.

When WOW was released, it was done so simultaneously on both Macintosh and Windows systems in the United States, New Zealand and Austria in late November of 2004. World of Warcraft sold over 240,000 copies within the first 24 hours. Compared to other games, WOW has made history. On January 18, 2005 World of Warcraft hit the shelves in South Korea, but in some stores the game had already been seen on the shelves since November the previous year. Europe saw the game on its shelves on 11 February 2005, and it was available in the French, English and German language. 2 March 2005, around 100,000 game testers enrolled for China's WOW beta-test within an hour. The game was officially released on 6 June of that same year. World of Warcraft received nothing but high praise in 2003 at E³, including the Best-of-Show award from Gamer's Pulse. In the gaming industry, WOW was declared by GameSpy and Gamespot, and many others - as the game of 2004.

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Wow Dungeon Boss Series: The Foreman

This time our Wow series will be covering the first boss in the level 85 heroic dungeon "Deadmines." I will be going over the boss fight as well as my personal tips
Boss 1#: The Foreman
Name: Glubtok
Health: 4149K
Mana: 9310
Move List:
Phase one:
Fists of Flame - Glubtok sets his fists afire, causing melee strikes to deal additional Fire damage and sometimes knock back nearby enemies. 2 sec cast. 10 sec duration
Fists of Frost - Glubtok coats wow gold his fists with Frost, causing melee strikes to deal additional Frost damage and sometimes slow nearby enemies. 2 sec cast. 10 sec duration
Phase two:
Greater Mass Teleport -Teleports the entire party within range of Glubtok. Cast at the beginning of the phase.
Deep Freeze - Freezes nearby enemies in a block of solid ice. Cast after the mass teleport, giving him enough time to cast...
Arcane Power - Glubtok is filled with Arcane Powers, launching fire and frost spells throughout the room. Glubtok hovers in the center room
Fire Blossom - A fiery blossom deals Fire damage to an area and knocks enemies up a short distance. Instant
Frost Blossom - An icy blossom deals Frost damage to an area and slows enemy attacks and movement speed.
Phase one:
Glubtok will alternate Fists of Frost and Fists of Fire. Fists of Frost will slow the movement and attack speed of the tank (and nearby players) and Fists of Fire will cause his melee attacks to deal AoE fire damage and have a small knockback. Glubtok will blink between fist cycles.
Tank him where he stands with his back to the team. Try to interrupt his fist spells, although I am uncertain if this really works. Spread out to avoid splash damage.
Phase two:
Once Glubtok reaches half health, he will deep freeze the entire party and run to the center. He will then gain Arcane Power, causing him to float above the ground (still attackable by melee) and channel a spell causing him to shoot fire and frost at random locations, visibly marked. In this phase, the party needs to DPS him down while avoiding his attacks. He no longer melees and only uses the fire and frost abilities.
It is advisable to mark the healer and all move to his location when the phase starts to ensure no-one is trapped on the wrong side of the wall of fire.
You will need to keep the adds under control using AOE abilities, instant casts being preferred as they allow you to remain mobile. Try to overlap you AOE onto the boss, and keep as much pressure and DPS on him as you can or you will be overwhelmed. If you have a priest in the group advise the use of holy nova.
Personally as a tank, I like to keep him in the center of the room with the add spawns within range of vision so I can pick them up quickly.
Well, there you have it. the first in a long series of boss explanations and tactics, hope you enjoyed the article as much as I enjoyed engaging the boss!

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WoW Leveling Guide: Leveling Tips for Newbs

Hope everyone is having a great day! Here's a tip for all you WoW Cataclysm gamers who are looking to level up fast. Many newbs ask one particular question that even seasoned WoW gamers can't answer-how do I get my toon to level 85 in as little time as possible?

There are actually a few tips to help you buy wow gold ( level to 85 in as little time as possible. Some of the tips I will give you are some of the secrets that WoW leveling guide masters don't want you to know about! The main things you need to worry about is questing, DON'T run instances (more on that later), stay away from grinding at all costs (unless it is required in a quest), setting your leveling goal (and don't go astray), and getting a good questing add-on with a good WoW leveling guide.

One of the best things you can do to level up to 85 is questing! Completing quests rewards you with heaps of XP, and some quests require you to grind an "x" amount of mobs, which will grant you even more XP while trying to complete the quest! You are pretty much killing two birds with one stone! Try finding as many quests that require grinding as you can, because when you start to kill mobs, your XP will exponentially grow and you will reach that level cap soon!

Refrain from running instances
One of the biggest misconceptions of leveling up is running instances. The only thing I have to say is that it is only necessary to run instances when you have a quest for that one particular instance. Most people run instances to have a ball with their friends, make friends, want a good challenge, or twinking. Your only reason for running instances should be completing the quest(s) that you have for that one particular instance. The reason for that is because it distracts you from reaching your goal of swiftly getting to level 85, which we will cover shortly.

Do NOT grind
Most WoW leveling guides will tell you that grinding is the best way to level up, but in fact, it isn't. Sure, there are a lot of mobs roaming around Azeroth, but they barely give you a sufficient amount of XP. The only exception to this, one that we already talked about, is when you are required to grind an "x" amount of mobs to complete a quest. That's the only time when grinding is necessary.

Setting your leveling goal
Obviously, there are quite a few things you can do to level up to 85 as fast as possible. The biggest thing you want to do is set "leveling to 85 as fast as possible". I'm serious. That should be your only goal in the game. Don't worry about any professions, don't worry about BGs, don't worry about making friends, don't worry about twinking, don't worry about ANYTHING! Your goal is to level up to 85 in the shortest time possible, so let that be the only thing you have on your mind and your goal list!

Getting a good add-on with a good WoW leveling guide
As mentioned previously, one of the best ways to level up in WoW Cataclysm is to complete quests. Now, there are a lot of quests givers, and you may be asking, how do I know which quest to do? There are actually a few WoW leveling guides I ran into, and some say that questing add-ons are the way to go. I agree. However, there is one particular add-on that I use that helps get me to level 85 in just 7 days! Zygor's WoW leveling guide is the only guide you need to reach level 85 in just 7 days! This guide tells you everything: where to go, who to talk to, what quest to accept and turn in, what creatures to kill, what items to collect, where to set your hearthstone, when to fly to locations, and ANYTHING else you need to do and know to get your character to level 85 in just 7 days!

The best part about Zygor's add-on and WoW leveling guide is that I was able to twink, grind, make friends, work on my professions, dilly-dally around and STILL get my toon to level 85 in just 7 days! As if that wasn't enough, I also forgot to mention that I only have the time to play WoW Cataclysm for only 3-5 hours per day!

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First Person Shooters: How To Play Better

First person shooter games are fun to play. Many gamers play FPS games like Call of Duty and Battlefield Online and with friends. In fact, there are websites that host competitions with monetary rewards for first person-shooter-games. However, unless you are a professional gamer, your chances of winning these competitions are small.
Here are some tips for how to play better.
Analyze everything
After you learn the basics of any game, the next step is to analyze. You should question every move, decision, map, weapon etc. The best gamers pay very close attention to small details in the games they play. In terms of shooter games, you should have a thorough understanding of every map layout and the hot routes in each map. There are certain statistics and analytics available that display the routes players are likely to take in any given map for a variety of games.
You should constantly analyze your ability to aim quickly. You will be a much better player if you can greatly increase your accuracy. You should be able to place the down-sight aim directly on your opponent on the first try; you should not have to adjust your aim.
Take advantage of the game's features
Every first-person-shooter game has features that many players fail to use. For example, in Call of duty, every player has the opportunity to assign multiple weapons, perks and killstreaks to individual classes; however, some people only assign one class. One class will not prepare the player for different situations. If there is a helicopter in the vicinity and you do not have a class with a homing rocket launcher, you will not be able to shoot down the helicopter.
Some weapons are more effective in a variety of situations. You should always have classes for sniper situations, for big maps with plenty of hiding spots; small weapons, for small maps with many close quarter skirmishes; and assault rifles, for medium sized maps that require accuracy.
The best players are able to take full advantage of every feature that a game has to offer.
Observe other good players
One of the easiest ways to learn how to play better is by observing other players. Take notes of the types of decisions they make, the weapons they use and the routes they take. If they are consistently winning matches against other online players then you know they have something they can teach you.
Alternatively, play against other good players as much as you can. They will force you to improve your skills in order to win against them.
Hopefully these tips will help you. When it comes to online gaming, you are your harshest critic. You should always be critiquing your gaming skills.
The best way to get better at gaming is to play lots - and the best way to do that is to rent lots of games. Games frenzy is an awesome game rentals site - check them out.

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WoW Macros And Keybindings Addon - Pros And Cons

Looking for a WoW macros and keybindings addon? Before deciding on getting one, you should know a few things. The fact that you want to use these in WoW means that you are ready to become better at the game. Which is something that everyone needs right now as you can't really find noobs in World of Warcraft any more.
In order to compete with the other, more wow gold ( )experienced, players in World of Warcraft, you need to start using optimized key binds and working command lines. These two make you a lot more faster and help you maximize your efficiency while still leaving you room to move around as you fight.
Making a good key binding and building proper command lines is hard though. It takes a lot of trial and error to find the combination that really works. Luckily, you can get a WoW addon that has all of that already built for you.
Here are the Pros to why you should use a WoW macros and keybindings addon.

  • You will get the best keybinds that other World of Warcraft players have tested and used for many hours. That way you won't have to go through the same process they have to make your own keybinding.
  • You will not have to build your own macros as the best ones will be available to you. All you will have to do is get used to how they work. Which shouldn't take very long.
  • Everytime you change your spec or your character, you will have the best solutions in WoW ready for you to load and use as you seem fit. Such a guide offers great flexibility for any World of Warcraft player.
  • Such a tool that has macros and key bindings doesn't use much resources. So it will not slow down your game at all. Having a high FPS in World of Warcraft is very important, especially in large fights.
  • Using a World of Warcraft macros and keybindings addon is very easy. You use it just like any other such tool in the game. So there is no need to worry that you will not be able to install it or anything else.

Here are the Cons to why you should think twice before using a World of Warcraft macros and keybindings addon.

  • As I said before, this is an add-on like any other in the game. So it will freeze up sometimes or not load correctly as you start the game. It is pretty annoying but a restart should fix the problem.
  • If you want a really good in-game guide, you will have to pay for it. The free ones out there are really bad and it is really risky to go and download them off some obscure website. I guess paying for something worth-while isn't that bad.

I have been using a macros and key bindings guide in World of Warcraft for some time now and I am loving it. In fact, I couldn't imagine myself playing the game without their help. I can get the most out of any class by simply having my keyboard properly managed. That is the power of a WoW macros and keybindings addon.
Don't waste anymore time. If you want to use the same keybindings and macros that the elite have been using, then you need this WoW Macros And Keybindings Addon.

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